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Thursday, May 31, 2007

What a Great Day!

Today was so special! We took cupcakes to Ann Catherine's daycare for her birthday.

Her birthday is actually Friday (June 1st). But we're not sending her to school that day. Chris and I both took Friday off and we're going to have a family day. We're going to take Ann Catherine to Big Spring Park and have a picnic and feed the ducks.

We actually started this tradition last year. I didn't think I would be able to work on June 1st - mentally or emotionally. It was the first anniversary of Melissa's death and I just didn't think I could do it. So I took the day off and Chris and I took Ann Catherine to the park. It was such a special time together that we decided to do it every year.

So, with that being said, we let Ann Catherine celebrate her birthday at daycare today. When Chris and I showed up in her class she was so excited! You could just tell she felt so special! Her class sang "Happy Birthday" to her and she was just smiling from ear to ear! Then, her teacher gave her the first cupcake. It was just adorable. And of course, they all had icing all over their faces!

When we left, I told Chris my heart was so full. Today was proof that, so often, it's the little things that make our children happy.

Like mommy and daddy taking cupcakes to school on your birthday. It's so simple, yet so important.

This was without a doubt one of the greatest days I've ever had.


KimBlack said...

Birthdays are special, send her a happy birthday for me, the surprise had to have made her whole day. It may be simple but it still makes a lot of memories, again happy birthday to her : )

Amy said...

Thanks kimblack! It was definitely a special day!