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Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Look What My Daddy Did!

Memorial Day weekend was not one of rest at the George household.

Chris decided to build Ann Catherine and Lily a playground.

Chris is a great daddy. He's a wonderful man and terrific cook and takes good care of us. But, this was new to him - it was the first home project he ever did by himself.

First, he had to till the rock-hard soil. That was no easy feat. Then he added bags and bags of mulch - 23 bags to be exact. Then he laid down 12 8-foot pieces of lumber and connected them together with rebar.

We bought the swing set a couple of months ago. My parents bought Ann Catherine a small playhouse for her birthday (which is this Friday) but they went ahead and gave it to her this weekend. The rocking horse to the left belonged to my cousin's children, who outgrew it and gave it to my sister's children, who outgrew it and gave it to us.

Ann Catherine was beside herself with her new playground! She played all afternoon Monday and stay out there tonight until it was time to come in for a bath.

This is going to be a great area this summer! It's actually in the one area of our yard that gets afternoon shade. And it's going to be a great place for her birthday party this weekend.

While Ann Catherine goes from the swing set to the playhouse to the rocking house, Lily just swings along. Is there anything better than being a kid in the summer?


KimBlack said...

The playhouse looks great Amy and I hope your children enjoy it for the years to come : )

Anonymous said...

That's awesome! I've been wanting a safer area around my daughter's existing playset especially since we will have another little one on it soon. So thanks for sharing, I'm going to show your pictures to my husband!

Amy said...

I'm glad it could help! If you do end up doing something like this, I'll think you'll like it!