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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Motivation for Moms

Have you noticed that new little doo-dad on the right hand side of my blog?

It's called "Motivation for Moms" and it's provided by Christian Women Online. It contains a daily Bible verse or thought for moms. I actually got the idea for it from Jennifer's blog (you can read her blog, Love My 2 Boys on the right hand side of my blog - thanks Jennifer!).

I just love it! Last Sunday's said, "Don't just tell your children you love them. Tell them what you love about them." As in, "Ann Catherine, I love you because you truly have the kindest heart of anyone I have ever known." Or, "Lily, I love you because you make me laugh out loud when you talk in that gravelly Wolfman Jack-sounding voice you use sometimes." Isn't that so much better?! :)

I encourage you to read it each time you are on my blog. And if you have a blog, feel free to add it to your site. After all, we all need a little motivation sometimes!


The HoneaBees said...

And what does it say today but to refresh myself by going on a women's retreat! I have one planned for this weekend with my church, but things just keep getting busier. I think this one was written for me as God's way of saying "Get out of town! Everything will be fine!"
Thanks Amy!! I'm going!

Love my 2 BoYs! said...

I love reading my motivation for moms every day! It makes you stop and think sometimes!
Thanks for the prayers today! The IUI didnt go that great, so Im kinda down, but whats meant to be will happen and I pray Gods will is for it to be this month!!!!
