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Wednesday, March 14, 2007

My Favorite Thing

The simple act of reading my child a book.

There is nothing in the world I would rather do.

All I have to say is, "Ann Catherine, do you want mommy to read you a book?" And her face lights up like it's Christmas. She crawls in my lap and listens as if I am telling her all the world's secrets.

This is what life is all about.

And this is why I wanted to be home at night.

I loved being a news anchor. And I loved sitting on the anchor desk next to Jerry every night.

But I love sitting in the floor with my child on my lap even more.

Don't get me wrong. My child loves watching Elmo and Barney. And she loves going outside to play.

But there is nothing like the connection between a parent and child as you share the magic of a good book.

I thank God for these small miracles.


KimBlack said...

It is so good seeing you happy, Hello Big Al is a good read by the way, I just want to say good luck with all of your future endeavors : )

Claire Aiello said...

Great post, Amy! It's great that you can get A.C. to sit still. I can occasionally get Elena to sit in my lap when we read.. we're getting there.

Luna said...


I am so looking forward to being able to read to my baby. Before I know it he will be here. I am so happy for you and the new direction you have taken! If you ever need anything you know how to reach me!