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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Here We Go Again

No one's going to invite us over anymore.

A few weeks ago, I took LB to my friend Kera's so she could play with Kera's little boy while we drank coffee and gabbed.

That night, LB came down with a stomach virus. Luckily, no one at Kera's house got it but I still felt terrible!

Last night, Chris and I needed to attend the funeral home to see a friend whose brother passed away. My friend Jammie was gracious enough to let my kids come over and play with her little ones.

During the middle of the night, AC started complaining that her throat hurt. A trip to the doctor this morning confirmed she had strep.

As long as she didn't drink after Jammie's kids they should be fine, but I still feel so bad. Of course, you can't know when your kids are going to be sick but mine seem to do it after they've spent hours in the faces of someone else's children. :)

AC got a shot and already seems to be feeling better. I didn't think the nurse and I were going to be able to hold her down. But the shot just works so much faster than antiobiotics. The 10 seconds of hysteria is worth it to me for her to start feeling better faster.

Before the shot I promised to take her to her favorite place - Peggy Ann Bakery - for a treat when it was all over. I snapped this picture and sent it to Chris. His reply read,

"That makes it all better."

Yes, butterfly cookies with piles of icing make everything better.

Even shots.

1 comment:

The HoneaBees said...

I don't think I told you, but I had a playdate with multiple small children when AA was 9 months old and she had a few little bumps on her was Chicken Pox!! The next day she was full blown!

And, we always go to Gigi's when we get shots. AA gets her kindergarten shots after her bday...I may have to buy a dozen!!