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Saturday, February 19, 2011

Exercise, Finally!

When our girls were younger, and spring began to usher its way back into our lives, Chris and I had a nightly ritual.

After dinner, we would load the girls up in the double stroller and hit the pavement. My short legs struggled to keep us with Chris as he pushed the stroller. We would power walk. I was still working full-time outside the home back then, so it was a great way for me to clear my head from my hectic day. Chris and I would talk about our day while the girls took in the world around them. More than anything, it was great exercise!

Then they became mobile.

And our power walks turned into leisurely strolls as the girls stopped every three steps to check something out: a flower, a tree, a dead bug. It was amazing to watch them explore God's creation. But burning calories? Not so much.

No more. The exercise is back!

My girls love riding their bikes and they've gotten pretty good at it. Yesterday after school, we grabbed a snack and refueled. Then the girls hopped on their bikes and away we went. I walked behind them and all of a sudden I realized it: I wasn't just walking. I was swiftly walking. I was exercising!

Sometimes almost to the extreme. Lily Baker is a speed demon. I'm quite sure I yelled out at least 15 times, "LB, slow down!"

Then she would hit the brakes and AC would plow into her.

We obviously still have a little work to do.

No matter. I have found a way to exercise and still spend time with my kids. It was awesome!

So bring it on, Spring! We're tired of being cooped up and the house looking like a tornado blew throught it. (On second thought, the house is going to look like that regardless of the weather, so disregard that last part.) I'm ready to chase my kids through the neighborhood with the sun at my back.

We are ready for Spring!

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