My girls were thrilled about going back to school this week!
And that's a good thing, because this mommy would have kept them home another week if I could have.
We are just at such a neat place right now. The girls are more self-sufficient and now that no one is napping (which I was dreading, by the way, because that was my "get stuff done" time) our schedule is so much more flexible.
They play so well together. Oh believe me, we still have our moments of "Mommy! Sissy won't let me...." or "Mommy! Sissy said...." but all in all, they are each other's best friend.
I loved our break. I loved that for once I threw away schedules and let the girls stay up later at night - and sleep later in the morning. I loved that we could do whatever we wanted. I loved that I didn't stress about what they were eating - after all, I told them, it's vacation!
But as it all came to a close, they were ready to go back and see their friends. AC, who had slept late (late being 8-8:30 ish) for the first time ever over this break popped up out of bed at 6:05 Tuesday morning! She couldn't wait to go back.
LB was miffed that she didn't go back until today. She was so ready to leave this morning!
Love that my girls love their schools. It so reinforces that they are both exactly where they need to be. And I love that they didn't go back to school kicking and screaming.
But I'll be looking forward to our next break :)
Looks like you got your wish for another break my friend! :)
I remember all the fun we had back when it snowed a blizzard here in AL (I was in Birmingham then) back in 1993. As a kid, I don't remember ever having as much fun as we did those nearly two weeks we were out of school!!!
This time, my kids got to enjoy it! They had a BALL! We built snowmen, a snowlady, and a snow fort. Although we didnt have any hills to sled/slide down, they still had a ton of fun!!
Looks like you all had a fantastic time as well!
God Bless!
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