I had more fun tonight than I've had in a long time.
I went to a Wiggles concert!!
Okay, before you laugh and think "are you kidding me?", it wasn't so much the concert (although it was really, really good). It was watching my daughters enjoy the concert.
Ann Catherine had the time of her life. She danced the entire time! Our seats were on the floor of the arena, and on the first row in our section, so the kids had plenty of room to dance! And boy, did she dance!! She had the best time.
Lily took it all in, but stayed in my lap and Chris' lap. She got down and danced a couple of times, but for the most part, she just watched with her eyes wide open.
My niece and nephew went with us, along with my mom and dad. Mimi and Poppy wouldn't have missed it for the world.
At the end of the night, my mom said it was worth the price of admission just watching Ann Catherine. It just made my night knowing she had such a good time. I think of all the countless times we've watched the Wiggles on DVD, and tonight she saw them in person.
Not just that, but all four of them walked right past us and said hello. In fact, Anthony gave her a HIGH FIVE!! Of course, her father was so excited, he didn't even snap the picture :) I don't know who was more excited: Ann Catherine, or me and Chris.
What a great night! Thanks Wiggles for giving us all a night we'll never forget!
We were there, too, and I told my friend that I don't know who had more fun..us or the kids! :) I never thought I would enjoy a Wiggles concert out of all things, but it was wonderful! To see Savannah know the songs and dance and sing, it was precious. Murray came right in front of us...again, the adults were just as excited :)
On another note, there was a 2 week old baby right in front of us. She had to of been a preemie too, because she was VERY tiny...smaller than a term newborn baby. I found myself not being able to take my eyes off of her sometimes. It was one of those times that I yearned that I had both girls here with me (I know you know what that's like), but I was reminded and so thankful for Savannah! Overall, it was a great night.
We went also. It was a great show. We also were on the first row of our floor section. Just to see the look of pure enjoyment on my daughter's face, she's almost 3, made the night even more special.
We went too - and had the time of our life. Elena loved them -- danced up a storm. Joey and I sang along to every song, and loved seeing all the other parents get in on the fun, too! We have seen the Wiggles twice now - and the guys put on a great show!
Anthony is still my favorite. Captain Feathersword, too!
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